Mind Over Matter
Written by: Joelle Ceneviva, Health Fitness Program Manager
When determining success, Mental Toughness is viewed as one of the most important psychological attributes to facing adversity. Mental toughness is our inner focus and commitment to rise above. Often followed is a sense of resilience, perseverance and mental fortitude.
Mind over matter is everywhere. In nearly every choice we make, actually.
The mind-body connection is the belief that our attitudes, thoughts and emotions have a role in impacting, either negatively or positively, our physical wellbeing and health. This connection is not a one way street. The way we treat our physical bodies can impact our mental well-being as well.
My Personal Story
As a chronic illness warrior, I know first hand just how powerful “Mind over Matter” really is. Headaches, blurred vision, inability to walk, seizures, neurological pains, chronic fatigue, raging emotions, muscular and joint pains to name just a few. Countless doctors, specialists, ER visits and technicians all stumped by me. Thirty-two different blood work tests, fMRI, CAT scans and a spinal tap in one ER visit all came back clean. At the time, I was 17, a star collegiate soccer player looking to continue to my dream school. I remember the day I got the phone call from a nurse diagnosing me with Lyme Disease and Epstein Barr Virus. An answer, finally, to my years of suffering that really had just begun. Being faced with two options, take the world by storm or let the storm take your world. Everyday, continuously reminding myself that I am not my illness. What I can do for it, it can do for me. As much as I have struggled, my health takes me to greater heights. Teaching me daily about myself and life. I feel fortunate to live as a chronic illness warrior. Not all people choose to see the beauty in the chaos.
Life begins to formulate a new perspective. An appreciation for all the good days because one good day is like the morning sun on a cold winter day. Pushing through, when all you want to do is give up. Giving in with ease and comfort when all you want to do is push through. Mind over Matter. Our minds are powerful, our bodies are powerful. Be driven, but be just as compassionate with yourself. Be you, but better than you were yesterday. Heal with grace. Move like the ocean, sometimes the tides are capped with white, and sometimes they move still mimicking the silence of the night.
Ways to Connect the Mind & Body
- Meditation
- Deep Breathing Exercises
- Therapy
- Exercise
- Mindfulness
- Engaging with others socially