Spring Cleaning your Workspace, Mentally and Physically
Written by: Keriann Hill, CFW Health Fitness Program Manager

The gloomy winter weather is finally behind us and spring has sprung! Many of us have started our spring cleaning, dusting off windowsills and letting in the fresh breeze. Why shouldn’t we devote the same attention to all aspects of our lives, especially our workspace where we spend a majority of the day? Here are some tips to spring clean your office environment, mentally and physically!
Tip #1: De-clutter
Paper can create a large amount of overwhelming clutter. Start by filing, shredding, or discarding every paper on your desk. Next, clean out the ominous junk drawer. Yes, we all have one but it’s likely that many items in there are just gathering dust! If you don’t use it, lose it! This goes for all items in and around your desk.
Tip #2: Sanitize
When is the last time you cleaned your keyboard? For me, it was too long ago. Take some time to wipe down your phone, computer, keyboard, and desk. Get rid of the dust and germs, it’ll look nicer and lessen your risk of getting sick!
Tip #3: Digital Refresh
Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, not harder. Use folders to organize old documents, files, and emails. Delete what you do not need to keep your desktop fresh and organized!
Tip #4: Make it your Own
Find what makes you happy and keep it around! A small plant or photo of your loved ones may cause you to smile on a rough day. Personalize your workspace so you enjoy coming in to work.
It is easy to say “I’ll get to it tomorrow” but before you know it, a month can go by and the same mess is sitting on your desk. I encourage you to take time for yourself this week and join me in spring cleaning your workspace, I promise you will thank me for it!
Want more?
Our talented content writers are focusing on “Dusting off your Desk” this month with some desk ergonomics, postural alignment, and better desk dining! If you are interested in learning more, check out the full articles below.
How to improve your posture: Habits, exercise, and stretching for success
Postural Alignment Mobility Exercise
A Guide to Better Desk Dining: Reasons and tips to step away from your workspace