Using Mindfulness to Overcome Obstacles
Written by: Olivia Ventra, CFW Health Fitness Specialist
Had you asked me two years ago, I wouldn’t be able to tell you what mindfulness meant, let alone how to incorporate it into my life. As much as I hate to admit it, I had always been an emotionally charged reactor. I often spoke or acted before thinking.
I was introduced to mindfulness by a college professor my junior year after a semester-long paper and a corrupted Word document resulted in a minor meltdown from yours truly. She explained that reactions and regrets like the one I was experiencing occur when we act in a non-mindful state. When we are in a mindful state, we react to situations with logic instead of emotions providing insight and awareness. Following her thoughtful explanation, I felt silly for my outburst and made a goal to apply what she shared with me.
Mindfulness is the most basic human ability to be fully and completely present, aware of what we’re doing and where we are, and not overly react or become overwhelmed by what is going on around us. The workplace can be a very stressful place. A mindful state puts space between us and our reactions, leading to the breakdown of conditioned responses that are often fueled by emotions. Focusing our attention solely on the present can help us to accept moments without judgment and understand what we can and cannot control.
I like to practice mindfulness through meditation. There are many mindfulness techniques to explore so find the system that works best for you. I have noticed a decrease in my stress and anxiety levels thanks to the power of a mindful state. The effects of mindfulness meditation techniques have a direct relationship; the more you do, the greater effect it has.
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