Step Up: A Fitness Pro’s Guide to Selecting Shoes

Written by: Jess West, Health Fitness Specialist

May Featured Image

When it comes to shoes, there are so many things to think about. Certain brands are known for their designs, while others might be popular from social media. However, we need to think about the purpose behind the shoe and this starts with your feet. Do you have flat feet, feet that pronate or supinate, or high arches? This plays a major roll in what shoes will allow you to be at your best. If you’ve ever been to Disney, you are fully aware that the wrong shoes can ruin even the happiest place on earth. So where do you start?

  • The best time to try on shoes is at the end of the day when our feet are at their largest. Be sure to try on both shoes and not just one.
  • Wear socks that would support the activity being performed for that shoe.
  • Walk around the store, jog, or even try a few movements that you’d perform in the shoe to see if you have any discomfort. Typically, flatter shoes are best for exercises like squats or deadlifts while cross-trainers are good for moderate activity like aerobics.
  • Consider orthotics or insoles for your shoes. Most shoes come with very minimal support, so to help flat feet or high arches, orthotics could be very beneficial.
  • Rotate your shoes if possible. Wearing the same shoes day after day will cause them to lose their support faster, especially after 300-500 miles of running or 300 hours of exercise. Shoes are meant to be with us for a season, not a lifetime.
  • Base your decision from the feel and not the brand. Some shoes brands are known for making neutral shoes for “normal” feet with the average arch while others may be known for a wide toe box or a narrower fit. Consider these factors so your feet make an informed decision rather than a fashion-based decision.

Remember these tips the next time you shop for shoes to put some spring in your step!

Want more? Click on the links below for more health and fit tips from CFW professionals.