Avoiding Crash Dieting in 2023
Written by: Jennifer Sabol, Assistant Health Fitness Program Manager

When people hear the word "diet" it is easy to create a negative connotation surrounding the word. Crash diets specifically are when one attempts to change their diet in a quick manner usually with massive calorie reduction or food restrictions in order to loose weight or obtain other goals. The reality is that these types of diets often do more damage than good. If your body is unable to get the proper nutrition it needs it won't be able to function properly and you will quickly begin to feel the effects.
The best way to avoid these patterns? Start with small changes in your diet that can be sustainable for you over a long term. Don't try to change everything at once. It may take longer to see results, but those results are ones that can last a life time and benefit both your mental and physical well-being.
A healthy diet starts with a positive relationship with food. Our relationship with food can often be a personal one. It is affected by our upbringing, environment, and culture. It is important to take all these things into consideration when planning a healthy diet. If you think you could benefit from some extra guidance, consider talking to a registered dietician for a meal plan and possibly a counselor to help you build a healthier relationship with your food in 2023 so you can reach your goals and be the best version of you!
The greater emphasis on health literacy outside of health care settings has the potential to impact preventative health and reduce the pressure on health care systems. In other words, health literacy is relevant to those who may never become “patients.” Having knowledge of your health can ultimately prevent those preventative chronic health conditions. That being said, if you ever feel like you do not have an A+ in Health Literacy, do not be afraid to ask your primary health care provider.
This month, the team will be bringing information to help inform you on the importance of health literacy.