Healthy at All Ages
Written by: Samantha Granger, CFW Health Fitness Program Manager

Over the last few years I have made it my personal goal to run as many races (5K, 10K, half marathons, and marathons) as possible. Believe me when I say I have been passed by a lot of people at different ages. While running the Detroit Marathon in 2018, I was passed by a guy who turned and looked at my age on my bib and said, “I have dress ties older than you.” With that being said, he was out there kicking butt.
Some people may be embarrassed to get passed or shown up by someone twice their age while running, biking, or participating group exercise class. I personally think its great! Every time that I participate in a race, I see older adults to elementary school children lining up all around me, and all I can do is smile. Something that is great about fitness is that any age can participate. Sometimes the strongest in the class or on the run is 20 or 30. Other times, it’ll be someone who’s 40 or 50 or 60. This just goes to show that the face of aging is changing. Life expectancy has nearly doubled over the past century. Here are a few ways to help to stay healthy at all ages:
- Eat whole foods
- Load up on veggies, fruits, whole grains, nuts
- Stay away from fatty meats, butter, sugar, salt, and packaged foods
- Walk
- Try and get regular exercise, research suggests aerobic exercise may delay or improve symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
- Stay Connected
- Loneliness is harmful to your health. Research has found that lonely people have higher levels of stress hormones that cause inflammation, or swelling, linked to arthritis and diabetes.
- Add Fiber
- It cuts your cholesterol levels and lowers your chance of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer.
- Stick to Sleep
- Try waking and going to sleep on a schedule everyday, it can help keep your body stay in sync so you can really get the rest you need.
This month, our team of writers are bringing you important information on Active Aging and how nutritional needs change with age. Be sure to check out our bone density building exercises featured this month as well!