Our programs bring out the best in your people, while bringing every department together.
Imagine IT and marketing facing off against legal and HR in a company dodgeball game. Picture deskside yoga to alleviate stress for the customer service team. Or visualize an after-hours boot camp right in the accounting department.
Whatever your company’s needs, our innovative onsite programs meet people wherever they are during their busy workdays and create situations where all employees can form bonds with each other.
Solutions that stick
Corporate Fitness Works customizes programs that will resonate with your employees and deliver real results. Our solutions include:
Physical activities and challenges
Desk exercise and stretch breaks
Recreational games
Educational events
Health fairs and screenings
Fitness program communications and promotion
Plus, we’re can-doers and collaborators. We’re highly skilled in partnering with your human resources, food services, onsite health and marketing teams on our programs.
Technology that makes it easy
Our modern technology solutions play a major role in how we communicate with your team and keep them engaged. And we know this takes much more than tracking steps and logging miles.
Still, we like to keep it simple. We believe in effortless apps and seamless systems that anyone can use. Some of our technology solutions include:
- Interactive apps to join the fitness center, book classes and post messages for community engagement.
- Programs to book personal training sessions, communicate with trainers, and get a personalized exercise plan that includes at-home workouts.
- Virtual programs that allow members to take classes on their own and on demand.
- Fitness challenges and quests.

A creative way that moves everybody
We know that people can’t always make it into the fitness center, and stressful meetings or long commutes can suck a lot of energy out of employees. That’s why what goes on outside our fitness centers is just as important as what goes on inside them.
Our team knows how to inspire healthy behaviors in every corner of the building, whether it’s a stretch break or an invite to the next companywide ping-pong tournament.
Corporate Fitness Works has managed our onsite fitness center since 2013, and it’s truly been a turnkey, worry-free experience ever since. CFW hires amazing people who fit right in with our company culture. As an added bonus: they keep fitness interesting by always bringing fresh programs to our team, all while creating a non-intimidating environment inside of our fitness center.
– Kevin Milkey, EVP, American Strategic Insurance/Progressive Insurance